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The work plan of establishing Eastern Taiwan Environmental Education Regional Center (2nd year)

The Eastern Environmental Education Regional Center Project granted by the Environmental Protection Administration covered areas of three counties, Ilan, Hualien and Taitung. This Project is being conducted jointly by environmental education centers of three local universities. Satoyama Initiative visions will be pursued by implementing five major tasks: leadership academy, building environmental education capacity, technology to support the field, research and evaluation, and dissemination partnerships which were designated by the Environmental Protection Administration. The project will be operated for three years, with purposes to accumulate the human capitals, environmental education capabilities, and to enhance resilience of the societies in Eastern region to adapt with environmental changes and pursue sustainability. The contents of this report describe the progress of five major tasks in the second year. For the academic leadership perspective, all the academic learning circles are starting their planning and delivery process. The application proposal for environmental education institute has been finished, the team is preparing the process of students recruitment in next year. The project leader has served as committee member of environmental education administration board of all three local environmental protection agencies, and helped contracted consulting firm on various environmental education activities, including make an explanation of the ideology of why to participate and process of how to engage in US-Taiwan Eco-campus project to the local schools. Three capacity building workshops for at each county had been held in April to June. The team continued to discover and analyze assets of local environmental education communities. The team also had initiated several times of dialogue among environmental education facilities at three counties to form local coalition, platform and exchange resources. On the task of application of science technology, the team continues to expanding environmental education technologies and updating contents of the website. The title of new curricula has been decided to focus on restoration by permaculture after disaster, the needed information is under collecting and curricula are under testing. Two summer camps for university or high school students at three counties are being executed by two new environmental education facilities coalitions. On the evaluation and research perspectives, the team continued to develop new performance auditing system and developed a questionnaire aim to collect stakeholders’ valuation on a training program list. Two new innovative environmental education practices area were also developed. On the partnership dissemination perspective, the team had initiated many dialogues meetings with major environmental education facilities at three counties. In addition, the team had delivered three workshops for serving all the parrners and public in Eastern area during summer and fall season, meanwhile, takes the role as bridging environmental education channels into mining and agriculture sectors.
Environmental Education Regional Center, Learning Circles, Capacity Building, Partnership